In today’s business world, video marketing has become a necessary component of every business. As traditional marketing fades and video marketing becomes increasingly popular, now is the right time to start.
We will explain everything you need to know in detail in this in-depth guide, regardless of your skill set or background.
If you’re new to video marketing, start at the beginning and work your way through to the end. If you’re here to work on your skills, choose sections that are of interest to you.
What is video marketing and why do it?Video marketing involves the use of video to drive awareness, engagement, and sales. It’s a part of digital marketing, even though it’s a big part, and it overlaps with content marketing.
The popularity of video marketing is so widespread now that it has become a must-have skill for all marketers. But that hasn’t always been the case.
The history of video marketing
After video marketing became mainstream around 2010, the technology wasn’t really accessible to those on small budgets until about four years later. Today, video marketing is accessible to all businesses thanks to two major developments: A rise of online tools such as Biteable, the world’s easiest video maker, and social media evolution.
Cost was the primary obstacle in accessing video marketing in the past. Nowadays, you can make a studio-quality video online in under 15 minutes, without needing any special skills or a large budget.
Secondly, video marketing has gained in popularity because it is highly effective on social media platforms. Social media platforms have discovered that video generates more engagement than text and image-based posts.
√. Compared a video ad against a text ad on Facebook, the video received 480% more clicks, cost 497 percent less per click, and produced 280% fewer leads.
Video marketing is important for every business:
Statistics on video marketing are all over the web indicating the same thing: video will dominate marketing in the future.
√. According to HubSpot, 78% of people watch online videos every week, while 54% do so every day.
√. According to a Google study, 6 out of 10 people would rather watch online videos than television.
√. According to YouTube, its users view more than one billion hours of video each day.
Faced with this growing demand, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn all became ‘video first’, and created video-friendly places, such as ‘live’ broadcasting, and ‘stories’. In the same time period, platforms like YouTube, Snapchat, and Tik Tok have developed an enormous following, becoming staples of online video consumption.
The combination of these developments has made video more accessible to make and watch than ever before. But do people want to watch video marketing? Turns out they do.√. According to Hubspot, 72% of customers would rather watch a video to learn about a product or service.
√. Almost 50% of internet users look up videos related to a product or service before they visit a store.
√. According to Unbounce, a video on your landing page can enhance conversion rates up to 80%.
These statistics indicate that video marketing is relevant and valuable to contemporary consumers. In other words, video marketing is expected by customers today!
It makes sense if you think about your own shopping habits. When was the last time you made a purchase without watching a video first?
It might surprise you to learn that videos help you rank better on Google. Videos not only help your site rank better, but also give you more exposure in results thanks to the size of the video preview and its contrasting color.
√. According to Insivia, video makes your website 53 times more likely to appear on Google’s front page.
What about the future? Well, video (and video marketing by default) are only going to get bigger.
√. According to a Facebook exec, Facebook will be entirely video in 2021.
√. According to Cisco, online video traffic will make up over 82% of all consumer internet traffic by 2022 – 15 times more than it did last year.
How to get started with video marketing:
In a sense, it’s never too late to jump on board. If you’re not on the video marketing train, don’t worry, it’s never too late. Current trends demonstrate that video marketing is fast becoming the most prominent player in online marketing and essential for any company that aspires to lead the industry.
Don’t fear becoming a video marketer. This page contains all the information you need to learn how video marketing works and we’ll help you through each step, from choosing goals to creating your video, distributing it, and tracking its success.